sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012


    El Espíritu Santo, una Presencia Confortadora Universal, encarnada en nuestro Señor, el Mahá Chohán (en lo concerniente a la evolución de esta Tierra), es tan gentil como la paloma, tan silencioso como la salida del Sol, tan lleno de gracia como la propia Deidad que Él representa. ¡No es atraído al corazón con ruidosas exhortaciones ni mortificaciones físicas! No, más bien mediante la apertura de las puertas y ventanas del alma en dulce amor, en humildad, en auto-rendición, es como el Mensajero espiritual de paz que da Luz graciosamente sobre los portales siempre-en-expansión de la cámara del alma, y reside allí.

Maestro Ascendido Kuthumi. Pentecostés, 29 de mayo de 1955. Diario del Puente a la libertad. Los Maestros de Sabiduría hablan. 


WHITSUNTIDE, May 29, 1955
Diario del Puente a la Libertad. Mayo de 1955.

The visitation of the Holy Spirit, which is celebrated in the feast of Pentecost (Whitsuntide), resulted in the firing of the souls of certain men to a point where, at will, their consciousness could perform seeming miracles of resurrection, redemption and spiritual resuscitation. What was the individual preparation which made such a visitation possible and the acceptance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit by those simple men manifest in their works? It was a humble heart, a contrite spirit, a complete surrender to the will of God!


WHITSUNTIDE. (Pentecost). May 20, 1956
Diario del Puente a la Libertad. Mayo de 1956.

      Although the first Whitsuntide took place 10 days after the ascension of the beloved Master Jesus, (the disciples having been bereft of the strength, comfort, faith and powers that his visible presence af-forded them) men and women everywhere have experienced an indi-vidual Whitsuntide from time to time throughout the ages. This special feast day celebrates the descent and merging of the Spirit of Cosmic Comfort with the individual's own outer consciousness. It is the mystic union between the divine and the human. Sincere students upon the path toward the Father's heart, sooner or later find their individual en-deavors, prayers, aspirations and devotions raising the outer mind and feelings to the “upper chamber” and suddenly, as a “descent of fire” the Spirit of the Father becomes one with that of his children. Then, as the early disciples were, they too are filled with a new Spirit of accom-plishment in his name! On this anniversary of the mystical “transfusion” of the Holy Spirit into the outer consciousness of the disciples, let us all enter the “Upper Chamber” and invoke as well as accept the descent of the Holy Spirit into our lives and expression. It is in our seeming “aloneness” that the mystic union takes place. Beloved Jesus knew this. He understood full well the dependence upon him of his faithful follow-ers, which dependence in reality hindered their full God expression. He said: “For if I go not away, the Comforter (Paraclete) will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”


Monthly Letter to the Transmission of the Flame Class
of May 21, 1960
Diario del Puente a la Libertad. Mayo de 1960.

Nosotros celebramos la Fiesta de Pentecostés - conocida como "Whitsuntide" - en la cual, cada año, Yo dirijo una descarga de los poderes de la Presencia I AM al interior de los Santos Seres Crísticos de toda la humanidad. 
   Esta es también la época (mes de mayo) para que los chelas perseveren en su búsqueda de comprensión, de iluminación, de ver la causa y el núcleo de sus limitaciones, de transmutarlas mediante la Llama Violeta Transmutadora - para que puedan percibir su concepto inmaculado y la parte del Plan Divino que tiene asignada cada uno de ellos.
     Beloved Children of God Seeking Illumination,
This month is truly the month of illumination. In it we commemorate, this year, the ascension of my beloved son, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, Lord Gautama’s illumination, the Wesak Festival and the ascension of our beloved Jesus. Besides, the consecration of souls takes place at the Sacred Heart Temple of beloved Mary, holy mother of Jesus. (...) 
Nosotros celebramos la Fiesta de Pentecostés - conocida como "Whitsuntide" - en la cual, cada año, Yo dirijo una descarga de los poderes de la Presencia I AM al interior de los Santos Seres Crísticos de toda la humanidad. 
   Esta es también la época (mes de mayo) para que los chelas perseveren en su búsqueda de comprensión, de iluminación, de ver la causa y el núcleo de sus limitaciones, de transmutarlas mediante la Llama Violeta Transmutadora - para que puedan percibir su concepto inmaculado y la parte del Plan Divino que tiene asignada cada uno de ellos.
we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, known as Whitsuntide, in which every year I direct an outpouring of the powers of the I AM Presence into the Holy Christ Selves of all mankind.
     (...) This is the time for chelas, also, to persevere in their quest for understanding, for enlightenment, to see the cause and core of their limitations, to transmute them through the power of the Violet Transmuting Flame, in order that they may perceive their immaculate concept and the part assigned each one of them in the divine plan.
    Your Friend, Guru and Servant, Maha Chohan


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